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About Us

Vision, Role and Values

In order that we meet our responsibilities to the community, our strategic plans and objectives are regularly reviewed and revised. The most recent review has resulted in a new definition of our Vision, Role, and Values as stated below.

Our Vision

Outstanding Rural Healthcare; leading our community to a healthy future

Our Role

We support our community to thrive by:

  • Connecting and providing safe, high quality health services
  • Partnering with people as they make confident health choices for themselves and each other
  • Creating a community approach to health
  • Providing a place where people work, learn and grow

Our Values


Respect the dignity and worth of all people

Seek to understand others’ perspectives, experiences and contributions

Treat all people fairly and without discrimination


Open honest and transparent in our dealings with others

Trustworthy and do what we say we will do

Provide support in a professional manner

Protect privacy and maintain confidentiality of others

ORH Privacy & Confidentiality Policy - [PDF]


Have empathy for people and seek to understand their perspectives

Involve people in decisions that affect their lives

Address concerns with kindness and consideration


Flexible, creative and responsive to changing needs

Continually strive to deliver efficient, innovative and evidence based healthcare

Value and support our people to excel through learning and development

Seek to positively influence, inspire and empower others


Reflect and seek feedback to inform and shape our work

Encourage healthy lifestyle choices

Have a multi-disciplinary team approach to deliver integrated care

Executive Team

Vicki Farthing - CEO

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is appointed to oversee the management of Orbost Regional Health as a Multi Purpose Service under the Health Services Act 1988.

Board members are appointed for a term of up to three years by the Governor-in-Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Health.

Board members may be reappointed to serve for up to nine years.

Board of Directors enquiries - may be made to Carol Harrison,
phone 03 5154 6615 or email Carol:

The Board appoints the Chief Executive to manage the functions of the organisation.

The Board meets monthly to monitor performance of Orbost Regional Health in regard to clinical and corporate governance matters and the development of the organisation and its services.

Board Chair - Peter van den Oever

Tabatha Cole

Robyn Frances

Deb Miller

Wayne Pease

Emily Richardson

Not pictured:

Royce Andrews, Thelma Hutchison.

Quality Accreditation

Accreditation and Quality Improvement.
Orbost Regional Health, like all other health services, must be accredited to ensure Safety & Quality.
External assessors called surveyors check all health services against a range of standards which includes examining clinical care, community areas and residential areas.

Community Advisory Committee

The Community Advisory Committee is a group of local citizens that volunteer their time to help guide and advise Orbost Regional Health.


Find Orbost Regional Health's publications on the following page.