Is it possible to calculate how many people a nurse has helped over a 40-year career?
Probably not, except to marvel at the real, human impact that nurse has had on the community they served all those years.
That’s a legacy that is proudly Lauryn Hulme’s.
A nurse at ORH, Lauryn celebrated her 40 year anniversary recently, and it was a great occasion to reflect on Lauryn’s remarkable contribution to this health service and this community.
Lauryn started as a Registered Nurse at ORH in 1977, and quickly became a caring, reliable and professional nurse, expanding her knowledge and skills in a range of clinical areas.
And, like the best nurses, she embraced the opportunity to share her experience with the next generation of health care workers coming through.
“Lauren is always welcoming and nurturing as an active mentor to students and nursing, allied health and medical staff,” said ORH Clinical Coordinator Tanya Murray. “If anyone ever has a question, Lauryn can usually answer it!”
Thank you for your commitment to ORH and the excellent care you have provided to all your patients over the past 40 years.
Hopefully you’ll be with ORH for a few more years yet!